The Pawsome People Project

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What can you do to help stray dogs in your area?

The prevalence of the ‘stray dog issue’ in most parts of India is well-known to us all. At some point in time, we’ve seen a number of dogs walking/lying around in our areas. However, rather than looking at them as an ‘issue’, why not look at it as an opportunity to help these animals? All they’re looking for is a little bit of care and love. 

So if you’ve ever wondered what you can do to help the strays in your area, here’s a few ways how:

1. Form a group of like-minded animal enthusiasts 

In your colony/society, try to form a small community of people that are compassionate towards animals and want to help them. It’s important to have a team with you, as it is common to face backlash from other members of the area who don’t have finer feelings towards animals. Also, it helps because if you aren’t available for some reason, someone from the group will be available to help feed/rescue the dogs. 

2. Create shelters for them 

These shelters can be basic structures where the dogs can be protected from the elements. Try to collect some basic building materials and with a small team, put together some shelter structures for the dogs. While this protects them from climatic conditions, a shelter also gives them a place to be, reducing their need to walk around looking for places to shelter themselves. 

3. Vaccinate/Sterilize the dogs 

For this, you will need to get in touch with a veterinarian. When you come across any dogs that seem to be the age for this process, don’t waste time. Try to see if you can find a number of them, so if you can get a doctor to come by, he/she will be able to carry this out for a group rather than just individual dogs. Also remember that once the process is complete, the dogs will need a few days to recuperate. It is also mandatory to release them back to the spot they were found. 

4. Put your foot down when it comes to cruelty/abuse

This is one area where you don’t need to pull any punches. If you come across any incidents where a dog has been abused or hurt in any way, make sure you do your best to stop it immediately. Also don’t hesitate to report the perpetrators to the nearest police station. There are laws in place to protect animals in our country, and you don’t need to sit back and watch these laws being flouted by cruel human beings. In most cases, action is taken swiftly against the culprits. Do your best to raise awareness about such cruelty to animals within your community.

5. Adopt a stray dog

There is a very strange thing that takes place in modern homes, where people prefer dogs from breeders for their aesthetic value. A stray dog can make a great pet. They are as loving and loyal as any other dog you see. In fact, they are also a lot more sturdy and can withstand Indian conditions unlike most foreign breeds. Also remember, when you adopt a stray, you are giving a home to a helpless creature. The love you will receive in return is unparalleled. 

Helping stray dogs is something you can do that does not take too much effort from your side, but the effect that it has on the dogs is incredible. They will truly be grateful for the help you have to offer them. You’ll notice this for yourself. Once you help a stray dog in need, the next time you see him/her, that wagging tail will tell you exactly how happy and thankful they are for you.